State Verb

State verbs describe a state, condition, or perception. They express thought, emotion, sense, or possession.

State verbs are not action or dynamic verbs. It can not usually used in the present continuous. The first sentence expresses an opinion. State verbs describe how something is or seems or a mental process. In the second example, the speaker is actively processing thoughts about something. We can use them in the simple or continuous verb tenses.

What Is A State Verb?

It describes the state, condition, or perception of the subject. These verbs express a state of being, feeling, possession, or perception, and typically do not indicate an action in progress. Examples include late, clever, and brilliant. These verbs describe the way things are and express feelings, beliefs, opinions, possessions, appearances, and states of being.

It can be classified into two categories based on their functions and forms:


  1. Existing State
  2. Changing State

Table of contents:

  1. What is a stative verb?
  2. How to use stative verbs
  3. Stative verbs vs. action verbs
  4. Stative verbs vs. linking verbs
  5. Stative verbs list
  6. Exercise: Stative verbs
  7. Other interesting language articles
  8. Frequently asked questions

Some other examples are:

  • know what to do with this.
  • understand exactly what you say.
  • I do not feel very good.
  • None of this concerns you or your brother.
  • All the women are depending on you.



Subject+Helping Verb Am, Is & Are+Object

Helping Verbs,

Am, Is & Are




  1. I am a student.


He, She, it & Singular.

  1. He is a broken Chair.
  2. She is a punctual student.
  3. It is hot today.
  4. Aslam is a talkative nature.


You, We, They & Plural.

  1. You are a good student in the classroom.
  2. We are best friends in school time.
  3. They are obedient students in our class.
  4. Amjid and Aslam are free services at school teaching.

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