Speak English Fluently And Confidently

English Speaking always requires practice and confidence. This is a common challenge that many language learners face. It is the thing which you need to improve.

1. Easy video content English video Commentary

2. Radio podcast

3. Reading simple

4. Thought 5. Meditation

Read Write Listen And Speak

There is a vast difference between speaking, writing, and listening. Is one able to formate in one’s mother tongue? To be imperious and impulsive takes time. Keep on practicing

I can try to tell the simple way better than him

Talk to someone who knows English

Think in English

Read, write, and listen

Chat In English

Listening to English songs

Listen to interviews

3 Best And Realistic Ways:

  • Watch English movies
  • Read English magazines and articles.
  • Talk with friends online

Start Speaking English As Much As Possible

  1. Don’t worry about what you say in English.
  2. Don’t judge by what others say
  3. Mix Urdu and English initially, which will give you more confidence
  4. Last, don’t be hesitant to speak Urdu

Read: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/grammar/b1-b2-grammar/stative-verbs

Expose Yourself To English Every Day

1. Enjoy easy video content (cartoons, YouTube videos, commentary) Radio/podcast Read (which you enjoy the most)

2. Observation Sentence construction (mental note)

3. Put your ego aside

4. Clarity of thought Meditation

5. Stop giving much Importance to English Change your mentality Proud of your language and proud of your own culture

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