Have To, Has To & Had To

We use Have To, Has To, and Had To when talking about obligations or things that are necessary to do.

For beginners:

We can use “have to,” “has to,” and “had to” in three different ways. Sometimes we confuse using it. We also use it to express obligation or necessity in the present, future, and past respectively.

I have to do something

  • Have To Present
  • Has To Present
  • Had To Past

Have To

we use “have to” when saying something is necessary or required.

Base form


  • I have to switch school.
  • They have to use the telephone.
  • I have to go to the bathroom.
  • You have to leave.
  • We have to call our teacher.

Has To

We use “has to” when somebody else other than the speaker has made the decision.

Different forms


  • She has to do the dishes.
  • Someone has to stop him.
  • Faiza has to wear Abaya.
  • The nurse has to look after him.
  • He has to stay with you.

Had To

We use “had to” when expressing obligation, in the past tense.

Different forms


  • She had to stop talking to Asim.
  • He had to create a new channel.
  • The doctor had to do the surgery.
  • I had to travel by bus.
  • I had to stay there alone.

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